Sunday, December 8, 2013

6 Symptoms That could indicat a Sick Chicken

People who are starting out raising chickens don't always know the warning signs/symptoms of annoying birds. There are generally 6 main areas to focus on that usually point in finding something being amiss. If you feel that something is negative with one or the complete flock you should consult your vet. My purpose here will be to point out what they should expect and not to point out specific illnesses:

(1) Chickens are active creatures and constantly pecking around, exploring. Watch chickens temporarily and you'll observe in it unless they're resting, they may be actively scrounging and marring for feed.

If your bird could be a lethargic and not active that is a sign something is drastically wrong. It will look like it's cold not necessarily move around much and will stay off to itself. A sick bird will have a propensity to hunch its shoulders and stand using its head pulled in to qualify for the shoulders.

If you can hear wheezing this isn't normal and a sign something isn't right. You may see the bird walking around with it's beak open imitating it's struggling to take a breath (except in hot weather as this is normal). They may look like a simple cold with a drippy nose and swollen allergic attacks.

Chickens should not is very much stumbling, limping or otherwise look unstable back to their feet. Look at their joints to see if there is possibly bleeding.

The eyes of a chicken might be bright, clear and cautious. If they look uncertain or runny then something's amiss.

Healthy chicken droppings want some substance to them, usually brown or greyish with white caps. The expense of shooting out like misting, greeny-yellow diarrhea, white or Bloody Diarrhea or is pasting regarding the rear end then consult your vet.

Most of all click on the overall appearance. Its skin usually are clean and soft often no sores, scabs perfectly as other lumps. The legs usually are clean and waxy-looking - legs cannot look scaly. Chickens could consider looking curious, alert and engaged. If it seems droopy, disinterested, lethargic or beeps by itself - This should a red flag that something is wrong.

Although this does not all the symptoms as you may see, it does outline the standard that you may see and will give you a good idea of what to beware for when it is equivalent to your flock's health.


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