Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Swine Flu - The facts and How to Avoid it

Basic Knowledge

Swine Flu is a result of Influenza virus A (H1 N1). I would like first to explain what's type A and just are H & DEBORAH. Influenza viruses are split into 3 main categories A, B& C; A virus causes world wide epidemics (pandemics) of winter flu, B virus causes considerable outbreaks while C influenza only causes mild respiratory tract infection. The pandemics caused by influenza A virus occur nearly all 10-20 years, but major outbreaks caused by this virus occur almost every year in various countries.

The key to the persistence of their influenza virus is actually is genetic material and antigenic phrase. It's major surface antigens remain hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The H antigen work extremely well to bind to host cells, while N Antigen cleaves future viruses from infected lean muscle mass. Hemagglutinin has 4 subtypes (H1, H2, H3 and H5) that's why N antigen has three (N1 and N2) that experience caused human disease. The outside antigens can change or (shift) of course. H & N Antigens change continuously reflecting mutations in her own genetic material where antigenic shift comes about when a major change occurs in the antigens and this particular type shift often triggers a simple pandemic, because humans can have little or even no pre-existing immunity to this new strain.

Mode of infection

Swine flu virus spread like any plagiarizing influenza virus by droplets or aerosols.

Incubation period

1-4 days ( That point before appearance of symptoms).

Clinical manifestations

Unfortunately swine flu offers the same symptoms like usual human flu one of them:

Sudden increase of body temperature, cough, malaise, anorexia,     problem, muscle aches, rhinitis and respiratory distress ( it might be accompanied by Vomiting And Diarrhea).

Laboratory diagnosis

Swine a cold is diagnosed by nasopharyngeal swabs, washes or aspirates given that specimens taken early at some stage in the disease. The virusus are fragile and had better be handled carefully; and specimens are never frozen.


As there's no treatment available yet the only method we have to should not infected or to enhance our immunity will be following these measures:

- Avoid crowded mattresses (you can wear masks) - Avoid kisses or else sure of your kisser - Wash your hands frequently with soap and water ( specially if you may see sneeze) - Always also provide good airing - Stay hydrated and fluids in as much as you can specially Ginger ( to better immunity ) - Useful foods to enhance immunity are cantaloupe, ipad, guava, honey, lettuce and is radish - Use vitamin specially vitamins A & BIL and antioxidants.

I hope this information will help pass this hard menstrual period.


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